Need More Information About a Patient’s Dietary Supplements? Use Natural Standard

A recent JAMA Capital Health Call briefing indicated that,

From 2008 through 2011, the FDA received 6,307 adverse event reports for dietary supplements​, 71% from industry, which is legally required to report these problems.

There is concern that this information is not getting out to consumers since the FDA does not report on adverse events for supplements.

The library’s Natural Standard database, can help you to alert patients of any known interactions. It provides evidence-based information on complementary and alternative therapies including dietary supplements. Natural Standard has an interactions checker tool that allows you to search for herbs and supplements and any potential interactions that may occur with a particular drug and/or condition. Further, it includes evidence-based professional and patient level information for foods, herbs & supplements (use the “Flashcard” version for patients).

Contact the library for more information about accessing Natural Standard.

Share your thoughts: For clinicians: Do your patients usually tell you what supplements they are taking? Do you ask? For the community: Do you let your doctor know what supplements you are taking, why or why not?


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